“As the Missouri Cannabis Industry operational deadlines seem to be creeping slower and slower to commencement, with only three licenses in operation at the time of this writing in mid-August, anticipation for potential job opportunities continue to rise in sequence with job unemployment rates.
At the risk of bursting a potential job seekers bubble during these tough times of job searching, here’s a word of warning from experienced eyes. Trimming may not be the job for you! After touring many cultivation facilities in other states, I’ve learned that each trimming room scene seems a mirror image of the other. Most are lackluster work environments — a mundane job resembling assembly-line work from yesteryear, but instead of hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches, you’ll have trim scissors. If you don’t like repetitive work, this job may not be for you. However, a trimming position can lead to a step up the cannabis connoisseur ’s ladder. Keep this in mind on your job search in this emerging industry…”