There are many ways to support Southeast Enterprises with your time, talent and treasure.
Southeast Enterprises is looking for leaders that want to join our community, and create meaningful impact on the lives of our Associates.
We are always looking for professionals to help impact our community. Specifically, we are looking for:
- Financial planners
- Graphic designers
- Event Planners
- Educators
- Makers
- Mechanics
- Operations Professionals
- Trade Professionals
To donate via PayPal,
click the button below.
The production, packaging, and assembly work only partly fund the wraparound services provided to the Associates at Southeast Enterprise. Your donation will help us to continue best practices in gently-teaching, people-first language, approach and respect, workplace bias (response and prevention), safety, and providing support tools for developmentally disabled adults in Kansas City.
Register with AmazonSmile and iGive.com, choose Southeast Enterprises as your charity of choice. Your purchases will benefit the Workshop.
Many companies offer to double the amount of your charitable donation. Ask your Human Resources Department if your company has a Matching Gift Program and how you can sign up.
Check with your company’s Human Resources Department to find out how to make a recurring donation.
Remember someone special by making a donation in their name to Southeast Enterprises.
If you hold Donor Advised Funds please consider Southeast Enterprises as part of your distribution to charity.
We welcome non-cash gifts, securities, stocks, machinery, and have banking relationships in place to help with these transactions.